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About Us


Preparation, filing, and prosecution of U.S. and foreign patent applications, prior art and patentability searches, infringement opinions, validity opinions and right-to-use opinions, counseling clients and tutoring executives on patent matters, and advising on effective policies and strategies for obtaining and using patents.


All fields of technology, but especially in materials, packaging, electrical, electronic, chemical, mechanical, computers, consumer products, algorithms, business methods, energy, lasers, electron beam accelerators, medical devices, electro-optics and telecommunication.

Clients and Their Locations

Clients include large and small businesses, universities, government labs and individuals. Because of the specialized nature of the services, clients can be at any location. While Richmond is the home base, most clients are located in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, the Far East including China, Canada and Europe, as well as other locations.


The Jackson Patent Group was formed in 1991 in Richmond, Virginia by Auzville Jackson, Jr. Auzzie was a patent attorney who obtained degrees from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (BS in Engineering) and George Washington University (Juris Doctor) and had a distinguished career working as an executive in several high tech industries and in all aspects relating to intellectual property. He passed away on July 27, 2012, and is sadly missed by all who knew him. A list of his accomplishments is attached hereto.